IFToMM Italy International Summer School On Human-Centred Robotics.
The summer school HumAN is addressed to PhD students, researchers and specialists working in the field of robotics and human-centred robotics.
International and Italian experts will give lectures in the following topics:
- Collaborative Robotics
- Mobile Collaborative Robotics
- Sensing for Human-Robot Collaboration
- Exoskeletons and Haptic Interfaces
- Motion Planning
- Robotic Hands and Soft Robotics
- Ergonomics
- Safety and Regulation
- AI for Robotics
- Rehabilitation Robotics
- Assistive Robotics
IFToMM Italy
Chair: Alessandro Gasparetto – University of Udine
Organizing committee
Massimo Callegari, Matteo Palpacelli, Giacomo Palmieri, Luca Carbonari, Daniele Costa, Cecilia Scoccia
Polytechnic University of Marche